Friday, April 30, 2010

Janet "Nothing"

Review Coming

I came across this creative video, on when voting for a video. I know I wouldn't have seen this anywhere else, which annoys me. But this should definitely be on Janet Jackson's album.

I like how she says "you can even have the password to my phone".

Aaron Fresh "Dirty Girl"

The "Island" incarnation of Chris Brown, Aaron Fresh gives us "Dirty Girl". The concept of the song is not hard to figure out. Whether he could sing or not can't be determined from this song, but the dancing is good (**thinks of Chris Brown**). And it features T.J. from 106, oops i mean Corey Gunz who raps fast.........For those of you who are wondering why you should watch the video, check out the girl. Oh yeah, the video was directed by Nick Cannon, so...... yeah........

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Plies "She Got It Made"

Its plain to see Plies' strive for originality in his new video which appears to be the new single from his album. On "She got it made", he covers the never before touched subject of taking a poor girl from window shopping to spoiling her crazy. He sums up every metaphor he can of spoiling her every need. Not even T.I., could touch him in this area. With a chorus like "I'll buy you gucci and prada", I'm sure the radio will play this song non stop. Hopefully, "Goon Affiliated", (an album with the world goon in the title, and atleast two pop-songs dedicated to making the girlies smile) will come out on the target date, and show other rappers (Lupe, B.O.B.) what creativity is.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Poe-Tighta "Outta Control"

With a guitar riff, that makes you wonder where it originated, Poe & Tighta deliver "Outta Control", a party track that has all the right ingredients, to make you want to shake ya ass and wiggle a foot. This one sounds as good, or better than their usual material relating to partying and having a good song, that I have heard. Poe slightly takes the spotlight more so than Tighta, but they both deliver three minutes of quality, that they will hopefully continue to deliver as time marches forward.

Own The Stage

April 28 Clt 102
"Own The Stage" was good. I missed the first performance. But I think I caught the rest.
  • Cholo: performance was the R&B sex song/ strip dance routine. The Ladies appreciated it more more than I did. He could sing but hearing how deep he can go didn't really impress me to much. (Again it might be because I'm a dude.)
  • Demarcus: has a voice similar to John Legend, the dude could really sing, he received criticism from the audience, but I thought he was good.
  • Victory (??): singing over a Keri Hilson instrumental was not the best choice, but when asked to sing acapella, made me think she should of chosen a different song to display her vocal talent.
  • Overtyme: displayed a really colorful personality which ended up being the only good thing about his performance. The corny "I'm Fly" type of song didn't really impress anybody.
  • (First dude): did a song for the city he calls home, B-More, it was not a bad song, even though I can't really recall what it was called or sounded like. He definitely could have did more to make it more rememberable and work on his wordplay.
  • G.M.S.: did not strike me as original creative, or great during their performance. I believe It was about getting money.
  • Solo da Dan: seemed to be one of the highlights of the evening with his song that I heard before and liked. Similarities to Chamillionaire be damned. If he works on making his style more original and less like another southern rapper he will get alot better. He also spoke about appearing on mix tapes with Dj Drama and Raheem Devaghn which was suprising.
  • M.C.: reminded the audience of Lupe Fiasco when he went. His subject matter started going in random places, which hurt his score. Overall he needs to work on his lyricism.
  • T-Rock insightful poem about dark skin.
  • The mistake of eliminating Solo, giving him more spotlight time
  • Most of the artists were audible, so they did a better job with volume control
  • The host could sing
  • Shouting out "Lab House Production", along with everyone else.
  • Men lie, Women lie had no point
  • Dudes dropping it low
  • The judges messing up the numbers
  • That dude who jumped on the table where the judges sat during his performance.
  • Victoria (sp) singing to Keri Hilson's slow dance instrumental
  • The same girl getting lab dances from two different singers
  • M.C.'s laundry folding music losing focus and subject matter going in random places
Final impression: The show was O.K., I want to see the second part on May 10.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


What's up world.

My name is Maurice Washington. The child of a strong man who has done service and a wonderful mother who gives me many life lessons.

I have been raised in PG County for as far back as I can remember.

Currently my life revolves around getting grades good enough to graduate with, finding a way to strike it rich, before I graduate, and pursuing the means to gain notoriety in this quiet city of Bowie.

When I'm not in school I like to play video games, listen to music and cause some trouble with my friends.

  • Become a well-known Artists.
  • Do many things most black people wouldn't even entertain.
  • Successful college student +3.0
  • Hit a lick, and conquer many goals at the age of 21.
Some albums I could not live without:
  • The Bachelor (Ginuwine). He coulda still been hot if he didn't leave Timbaland so early.
  • Illmatic (Nas). Its like a brilliant 50min. movie filled with life stories.
  • Man on the Moon (Kid Cudi). Sounds like a lyrical musical. Its hard to pull something like this off.
  • Marshall Mathers (Eminem). Disturbing, unrelenting lyrical madness.
  • Word of Mouf. Ludacris, the king of punch-lines, and comebacks.
Ideal Female: a thick version of Brandy/Mya who can help me point out my mistakes (the many of them), with goals for herself, and acknologies that the decision of marriage is something that takes time (years)

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Ciara's Ride

Ever since Ciara started talking about keeping her goodies in a jar, people have been rightfully comparing her to a young Janet Jackson. Just add in some Lil Jon beats and Ludacris and Petey Pablo features. Promise and Never Ever were not bad at all, and her albums had some hits aside from all the tech no dance song filler.

Now she got a video where she sings/raps about how good she can ride that "beat", like a (moan) freak.
With a beat that sounds like the Dream made it, i would be surprised if i didn't hear this 1,000 times on radio during t
he summer, especially with Ludacris on his " how my chick is bad" mode. Looking like a sweaty, freaky female version of pony, its time to sell some ringtones/ itunes single.
With female role models like Teairra Mari, rolling around showing what attracts the dudes, and Lady Gaga on her lesbian adventures which end in poisoning civilians, little girls have plenty to model themselves after. The song/ video is fine, just nothing new under the sun.
***I'm sure the next hit will be some kind of break-up song, and then another tech no dance song***
Patiently waiting for more original concepts, thats all I'm saying. Good night folks.

Friday, April 16, 2010


In a world where regular everyday normal people can dress up in customes and **spoiler alert***
get revenge for having their lives screwed.

This was the best movie i seen this year so far. (Yes better than "Why did I get married 2", and some other movie I can't remember. Even though some of the stuff was wayyyyy unrealistic, like the girl falling in love with "kickass" after she finds out his identity, and that he becomes something other than her gay bff. The use of the badazz bazooka also made the movie. I can't wait to see what it does to Iron Man.

Then I go home and get tangled in the assignment due on monday. The art show submissions are due on monday, but i dont think I have anything ready, a certain Professor gonna complain but i might just be like **** it, and take a "L" again. I'll will work on my portfolio during the summer, but i dont wanna stress about something im not ready for.

Counting the days where i can finally quit my job and find something that I dont have to clock in for everyday. (This was the point of the article to complain.)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


With now 4 years at Bowie State, I feel as though I am good for lasting so long, but I also feel like I failed in a lot of areas
  • Coming from academic probation in my second year, my grades haven't risen that much partially because of me trying to take course loads involving 6 classes (twice). But this semester spring 2010, I only had five classes of which I thought I could handle but, the professor really gives us allot of work to do: Lessons, Critiques, Current Events..... Hopefully I could get a satisfactory grade by the time I graduate.
  • My Art portfolio, is something I'm not very proud of. Not heeding students and teachers warning caused my grades to be effected by my lack of portfolio.
  • People who make laws, rules and points relating to traffic laws can get shot and die
  • Being the "President" of the Bowie State ARt Guide I have had the problems of being forgetful and not getting stuff done right away. Various events have been postponed or not satisfactory because of my laziness, this is something I am determined to get rid off.
  • Working at the same freaking place for three and a half years, has always been too much for me to handle. Ever since I had a car, worrying about car notes have caused me to not be able to take off from work. If so, my grades would be much better.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Justin Beiber

The next Justin Timberlake

This kid may be the new manufactured prepackaged Justin Timberlake, but he can sing better than any new black singer out. If he has the right promotion and some creative ideas/ dances, I think he could be the next Michael Jackson. I mean the kid been on 106 freestyling, he can dance, and he has a black girlfriend. What more do you want. Every girl who disagrees with this statement gave the reason of him being annoying, because they couldn't think of one. Him and Jason Derulo are the singers to watch of for in 2010. Peace.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

"Toe to Toe"


On monday there was a film showing in D.C. called "Toe to Toe", set in D.C. It features the live of a girl named Natasha who lived in the projects and had the problems of maintaining "Princeton" level grades, while dealing with a mostly weak family except for the grandmother who was always strict, looking after a priviliged friend named Jessi who acts out because of the fact that her mother never spends time with her, and the pressures that come with living in a poor black area. The characters in the movie did a good job with the material and making it seem real. The title of the movie seem to be named after the clash that happens between the two main characters during the middle of the movie, resulting over Rashid, the boy who they both have a crush over. During the high point of the movie, the stakes start to get high, causing everyone to want to find out what happens when Natasha's academic future lies in the hands of her friend Jessi.

The way the film was shot seemed to remind me of a documentary of teenage life, and sitcoms about teens in high school, with gogo music. It was nice how they incorporated the dancing related to gogo music considering the film took place in D.C. By the end of the film there is a positive feeling conveyed upon the audience. After the film the caucasion female who played Jessi from the movie was in the audience to answer questions which made me find out that she was an up and coming actress who lived in the area. My overall impression was that the film was wonderfully shot with characters that are good at pulling the audience into the material and creating tension over the extreme parts of the play

Monday, April 5, 2010

Still Standing: 4 years at BSU

After all this time at college I finally (almost) got over my procrastination. After struggling to pass my classes and having to take a few over, I learned five important life lessons.

  • Important Projects should be thought out before hand, and completed before any social activities
  • Learning how to use programs is good before you take a certain graphics professors.
  • Art students should always be working on stuff for their profolio ( I learn this the hard way).
  • This dead end job has been plaging me since after my first year at college, I shoulda been looked for something. When I find something better and quit that will be one of the greatest days of my life
  • Your skills are only limited to what you think they are/ I need to work on my leader skills/ procrastination is a b**

After this semester I plan to continue to hone my skills and whore myself as a graphic artists who can design stuff for people and make superior kick@ss animation that will rock the very core of the world, and take care of things I didn't get to attend to during the semester (wink, wink). (regrets: not trying out these kick@ss software before (after effects, flash).

My Thimes Songs while passing the finish line

Busta Rhymes
"Finish Line"

Don't Touch Me

Busta Rhymes- Dont Beleive Them

Busta Rhymes
We made it

Eminem 8-Mile

Sunday, April 4, 2010


Flash is such a pain in the @ss. cant figure out how to trace an image.
  • How to trace a bitmap
  • how do make a gradient

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Yet Another Lesson

One thing I unfortunately learn, as I have time and time again, don't take one more work than you can handle. (Now I'm repping the consequences.)

Things to do:
  • Storyboard/Animatic for Digital Cinematography. (board, type, pictures)
  • Work on backgrounds for Animatic
  • Web Prototypes/ Html example
  • Prepare Artwork for Student Art Show
  • Six drawings for Life Drawing
  • Continue to Study Music
*The bright side is most of this will be over by the half of April.** (yes!)

Friday, April 2, 2010

Kelis Acapela

Kelis video was ok, perfect for her because her videos have never been normal. I don't see the song going anyway thou. I just noticed the baby at the end of the video. Nice Suprise.

Clash of the Titans

It was alright. Special effects were the only thing going for it, everything else was just there. The special effects was cool "the scorpians", "medusa" , "the cracken". But you already know whats going to happen at the end. Its not worth $11-14. (the only good thing about working at a movie theatre, you don't have to be disappointed and waste your money.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Graphic Arts Tutorials

For the Graphic Arts students.

  • You ever ask your professor for help on software (final cut, adobe after effects)
  • Ever ask everyone else for help only to get a "i don' t Know"
One time I remember Steve gave a tutorial on photoshop (once a semester), but we definitely need more people who know the software to help us less fortunate students, so we don't have to struggle (cough cough) in a certain professors 2D Animation class.

This is why I, along with anyone else who is willing to help want to plan some workshops with the new programs, most likely with some of the students that are graduating, because not many art students here know the material that well. (Illustrator, Flash, Fireworks, After Effects.)