Monday, April 5, 2010

Still Standing: 4 years at BSU

After all this time at college I finally (almost) got over my procrastination. After struggling to pass my classes and having to take a few over, I learned five important life lessons.

  • Important Projects should be thought out before hand, and completed before any social activities
  • Learning how to use programs is good before you take a certain graphics professors.
  • Art students should always be working on stuff for their profolio ( I learn this the hard way).
  • This dead end job has been plaging me since after my first year at college, I shoulda been looked for something. When I find something better and quit that will be one of the greatest days of my life
  • Your skills are only limited to what you think they are/ I need to work on my leader skills/ procrastination is a b**

After this semester I plan to continue to hone my skills and whore myself as a graphic artists who can design stuff for people and make superior kick@ss animation that will rock the very core of the world, and take care of things I didn't get to attend to during the semester (wink, wink). (regrets: not trying out these kick@ss software before (after effects, flash).

My Thimes Songs while passing the finish line

Busta Rhymes
"Finish Line"

Don't Touch Me

Busta Rhymes- Dont Beleive Them

Busta Rhymes
We made it

Eminem 8-Mile

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