Friday, April 16, 2010


In a world where regular everyday normal people can dress up in customes and **spoiler alert***
get revenge for having their lives screwed.

This was the best movie i seen this year so far. (Yes better than "Why did I get married 2", and some other movie I can't remember. Even though some of the stuff was wayyyyy unrealistic, like the girl falling in love with "kickass" after she finds out his identity, and that he becomes something other than her gay bff. The use of the badazz bazooka also made the movie. I can't wait to see what it does to Iron Man.

Then I go home and get tangled in the assignment due on monday. The art show submissions are due on monday, but i dont think I have anything ready, a certain Professor gonna complain but i might just be like **** it, and take a "L" again. I'll will work on my portfolio during the summer, but i dont wanna stress about something im not ready for.

Counting the days where i can finally quit my job and find something that I dont have to clock in for everyday. (This was the point of the article to complain.)

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