Sunday, May 2, 2010

Another Busy Week

Here we go again folks.

After another weekend full of work and (surprisingly a day off). I been surviving over little breakfast meals, not long enough car rides with my Busta Rhymes CD, and my sympathetic classmates.

Out of all the crazy girls I met this semester my interest has always stayed in one girl :)

The biggest problem with the semester which I realized a while ago was the work schedule.

Class from Mon. to Fri. afternoon with extra homework, reading, critiques and studying (not to mention working on my art work for the art show, which I did not get to do. )

Whose fault is that.... MINE..... for being to lazy to get another job.

Missing assigments, having speeches from a certain Professor (if you KNOW ME IN SCHOOL, THEN YOU KNOW WHICH ONE).

No more of this bullshit. This summer
  • getting a new job
  • composing art masterpieces
  • resurrect the Artists Guild
  • Drink more alcohol, and do random stuff that white people do (bungie jump anyone)
(5-3-10). There's only two weeks left!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Until then let me
  1. Study for my music test in 2/3 days
  2. Email the script, film my movie and edit it by the due date in 13 days (360)
  3. Work on, complete and refine my animation by 14 days (396)
  4. Work on the template for my website and E-book with my group in 14 days (450)
  5. Start on the last 5 HW assignments I missed from life drawings (111)
  6. Critiques, Events, Discussion Questions, Lessons
I guess this is just bumps on the ROAD TO BIENG RICH BY THE AGE OF 22. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol


~JSW said...

Imma need you to stop missing assigments...and why havent I heard about the one girl you are interested in? I think i'm ok with everything else you wrote in your blog...Good luck in being rich by 22 ;-)

Maurice Washington said...

im not going to tell anyone something unless there is a first something, but I think I can squeeze myself through my classes and still have a good grade point average