Thursday, May 20, 2010

Four Long Years

Ever since I was a quiet shy kid entering the world of College up to this point where I'm set on gradating on time, and sharpening my skills as an artist (traditional, digital, musical). Throughout the years I have made several things that would not considered smart or practical, but I learned from my mistakes. I met some resourceful people, learned more about my history, and become even more interested in the world of Digital Art. Even though I didn't graduate in four years like half of my colleagues, It turns out to be a good thing, because I get to work on my plans for world domination.

Through the random parties ending up in some kind of hangover to the few probates I went to, BSU has been a sort of uneven mix of frustrating, boring, and interesting, not to mention a rumor mill. I met some good friends, some of which help me with video projects.

What keeps me motiviated? Fellow classmates who have been at BSU for as long as me with extensive portfolio, and wanting my collegues to know that I am a force to be reckoned with. Portfolio coming soon.

P.s. These art professors are no joke. :1
Some tough lessons I continually learned the hard way were why procrastination ruins lives, why its good to network, and to practice your craft in your free time. I plan for this last year at BSU to be the best college year so far. In the meantime, I will be busy freelancing, physical training, and partying. :p

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