Friday, May 7, 2010


Torn was held in "The Arc" in S.E. D.C., even though the set up of the presentation took a while, It was mostly worth the wait. First an up-and -coming singer "Kyonte", who produced most of the films soundtrack, opened with about seven songs from his album. Finally, the movie "Torn" played to an audience with most of its actors in the seats. As I entered the theatre, I saw a red carpet which would later be the place where the actors got interviewed. At first I had no idea that these people were in the movie. I felt so out of place in my street clothes, as everyone else was dressed for a special occasion (which It was).

The movie was good but it stroke me as obviously not a hollywood produced movie (as it was independently made.) There were noticeable differences in sound quality. For example in one scene were two characters were walking outside, their voices were not nearly as loud as a from a scene with them talking in a club. Another complaint would be the used of a flashback effect. The effect they used looked like a wild west effect were the screen would be kind of brown-ish. I did not think that the flashback scenes were that far back as to use an effect like that. One more thing I did not agree with were the choices of music in certain parts of the music. An example is the scene where they play basketball, with the main character playing against the man that his wife cheated with. The song played talks about being "fly" and having "bling", and It kind of ruins the mood. The camera shots could have been arranged and shot better, but "Torn" was very entertaining.

The plot of the film follows Delroy Price, who finds out that his wife is cheating on him with their sons basketball coach. Why is she cheating on him? Its not as easy as you may think. He falls for a friend Jasmine Greene, who is faced with deciding if she fells the same way her boss feels about her. He ends up fighting between his wife who once tried to keep a secret from him and the girl he seems to have fallen for, Jasmine. What will the outcome be? Well you already know, but road to the resolution is pretty entertaining.

The director tackled the issues of the parents not wanting their separation to effect their son who idolizes the father so much, and women having a hard time deciding how they feel about men who show them affection. (**SPOILER**)More specifically the wife realizes that she never had a "spark", with her husband, unlike when she was with the basketball coach. Also Jasmine thinks she falls for her boss, after rejecting his declaration of love before, only to realize she wants to be with Delroy. (**SPOILER**).

Good movie premiere viewing experience for cheap
Not a Tyler Perry movie (overdramatic)
Uses a popular movie plot and adds a few sunrises
Musical performance by an up and coming artists
The film willed by independently released shortly

Slightly amateur shooting, editing and placement of music kind of annoyed me
Kyonte music video was boring (no offense)
I walked in there lost, and stood there looking lost in a crowd of people I didn't know until the movie started (but thats kinda my fault since I went alone).

Anyway......give it a look.

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