Saturday, May 1, 2010

Flashback: Reviews


As I heard this album for the first time I was shocked at how laid back and positive the production was. Eminem was actually speaking of the troubles in his life without cursing (besides a few times). "Im infinite, you heard of hell well I was sent from it, I went to it serving a sentence for murder to instruments" (classic line). I didn't realize he had a brother until I heard this. The song "searching" made me think how far Em has gone considering the first I heard him was when watching the video "Without me". His lyrics of women have drastically changed. "Maxine" is an example of how Eminem would have been a great conscience rapper. "Backstabber" and "Jealousy" may be some of the realest songs I have heard from him. They give you a good view of his life before he had the big radio hits. Bottom Line is that Infinite provides competition for his first two major albums. The fact that they contrast makes it hard to determine which is better.

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