Saturday, May 1, 2010

Music: March 2010

Shontelle- Impossible

When I saw this video I mistaking thought It was Shanelle (sp) from young money. But I thought "this can't be Lil Wayne Shanelle" while watching this. This one seems to be an R&B singer I never heard of who made a crappy song called "licky" before.

Any way this girl can really sing. Like really sing. I hope they start playing her stuff on 93 and 95. Its not your average break-up video. I like how in the video she leaves him after getting a record deal. However produced the song did a good job. (**update- she is from barbados like Rihanna, but she can sing way better, lol**)

Winner- (Jamie Foxx, Justin Timberlake, T.I.) 3/5
This might as well be T.I. song, because the two singers give bland versus about how much money they get, among other reasons why their fly. Produced by the Y's the beat is ok. I read that its used for the NBA playoffs, which it would fit. (sn: can Jamie Foxx every have a hit song w/out a rapper. T.I. and Lil Wayne are the people he collaborates with on every album. This one is no different. Is this what we have to resort to in 2010, calling the same rappers for every album. I guess J-Foxx knows that those precious comments and Howard Stern calling him gay is gonna hurt his minimal album says even more. Oh well.

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